Thank you for your support.
All donations are appreciated
The CFAA is a non-profit organization, run by a board of professionals who volunteer their time to build a better film community in the Sacramento-Sierra for all. Your miscellaneous contributions or memberships (shown below) allow us to continue to provide great speakers, training and film programs through our webcast, newsletter - and to offer in-person meetings and events.
All donations are appreciated
The CFAA is a non-profit organization, run by a board of professionals who volunteer their time to build a better film community in the Sacramento-Sierra for all. Your miscellaneous contributions or memberships (shown below) allow us to continue to provide great speakers, training and film programs through our webcast, newsletter - and to offer in-person meetings and events.
Annual Memberships are available for students, individuals and businesses.
The CFAA is a non-profit organization that accepts donations for memberships and sponsorships for all types. Your tax-deductible contribution goes
100% back into the organization and helps to continue the development of exciting new film programs, events and activities for our members.
Downloadable Membership Form
Make checks payable to CFAA
Mail to: CFAA, 4001 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95618
Call for Venmo info 916-600-6477
or cc & cash payments can be made in person at scheduled events.
Get Benefits for 12 - 24 Months!
Start with the January 21st Networking Mixer!
Special Membership Discount -
Two Years for $65
($45 for one year)
Student Membership: $35 Donation annually
Discounted Membership provides:
Discounted Membership provides:
- Free admission to CFAA hosted webcasts, meetings, events, screenings
- Discounted pricing for educational workshops.
- Discounts for products and services from local retailers and services.
- Free weekly newsletter subscription
Individual Membership: $45 Donation annually
Individual Membership provides:
Individual Membership provides:
- Free admission to CFAA hosted meetings, events, screenings and workshops (3 per month).
- Discounts for products and services from local retailers and services.
- Special e-news announcements and updates, cast & crew calls, upcoming film festivals, and other related news.
- Discounted pricing for educational workshops.
- Free CFAA newsletter subscription
- Free postings/announcements for publication in the CFAA newsletter & social media
N/P | Arts | Small Business Membership: $80 Donation annually
Business Membership provides:
For small organizations of 2-3 people.
All of the above - PLUS:
Business Membership provides:
For small organizations of 2-3 people.
All of the above - PLUS:
- Up to 2 representatives may attend any CFAA event for free or reduced rates, based on event pricing.
- A logo link on the CFAA weekly newsletter.
- Display or distribution of company information at any CFAA event.
- Special e-news announcements and updates, cast & crew calls, upcoming film festivals, and other related news.
- Discounted pricing for educational workshops.
- Free CFAA newsletter subscriptions
- Free postings/announcements on CFAA website, newsletter and social media.
Business Membership: $145 Donation annually
Business Membership provides:
All of the above - PLUS:
Business Membership provides:
All of the above - PLUS:
- Up to 4 representatives may attend any CFAA event for free or at reduced rates, based on event pricing.
- A logo link on the CFAA weekly newsletter.
- Display or distribution of company information at any CFAA event.
- Special e-news announcements and updates, cast & crew calls, upcoming film festivals, and other related news.
- Discounted pricing for educational workshops.
- Free CFAA newsletter subscriptions
- Discounted pricing for educational workshops.
- Display or distribution of company information at any CFAA event.
- Free postings/announcements on CFAA website, newsletter and social media.
Platinum Corporate Sponsorship: $500 Donation annually
Corporate Sponsorship includes:
All of the above - PLUS:
Corporate Sponsorship includes:
All of the above - PLUS:
- Up to 10 representatives may attend any CFAA event
- A logo link on the CFAA weekly newsletter.
- Display or distribution of company information at any CFAA event.
- Special e-news announcements and updates, cast & crew calls, upcoming film festivals, and other related news.
- Discounted pricing for educational workshops.
- Free CFAA newsletter subscriptions
- Discounted pricing for educational workshops.
- Display or distribution of company information at any CFAA event.
- Free postings/announcements on CFAA website, newsletter and social media.
Please join, renew or update your CFAA membership today!
We are a non-profit organization and your donation is greatly appreciated, and also tax-deductible.
Thank you! Your membership is appreciated and your support keeps us growing!
Mailing address:
4001 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95819
Tax ID #EIN 32-077159